

overview-statueFor many people, Bali is far and away the most culturally fascinating island in Indonesia. While it is fully and completely a part of Indonesia, it is often spoken of as an entity separate from the rest of the country. Balinese culture is renowned as being unique in its blend of influences from all over Asia and the Pacific. As the home to nearly all of the minority Hindu population in Indonesia, the food is unique in its substitution of pork into traditional Indonesian dishes. Shadow puppetry and Balinese dance take on a unique flavor as well, making this destination an enchanting spot for any traveler.overview emblem

As with any tourist destination, however, there is an unseen undercurrent to Bali. Wealth, it would seem, rarely trickles down from high-end casino and hotel owners to the community which surrounds it. There are, behind the glitz of the resorts and the white sand beaches, people with very real needs. Interns and volunteers with ELI have never shied away from using their skills to genuinely help local people in a socially responsible and self-sustaining manner, and these projects in Bali provide the same opportunities. Use your background and education to truly help people while at the same time experiencing the hospitality of the Balinese people.

Using the tabs above, browse through the projects and see which one is right for you. Keep an eye on this page as our programs here expand with new projects and exciting opportunities.


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